Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Maqbul Ahmed has issued a
statement condemning the heinous murder of Assistant Secretary General
of Jamaat-e-Islami, in a preplanned way denying and defying the call and
request of local and international community. His full statement is
given below:
The incumbent barbarous government has inhumanly murdered the Assistant Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami, in a preplanned way denying and defying the call and request of local and international community at 10.01 pm this night. (Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun). I am condemning this planned murder of the government and expressing my deep resentment over the heinous incident. By killing unlawfully, the government has invited its own doom. Each drop of his sacred blood will bring curse for all who were involved with this murder. Their collapse and ultimate ruin is inevitable. The nation will witness their downfall soon.
I am urging the countrymen to face the situation with deep tolerance and to form resistance against this autocratic government according to his last wish.
I want to say clearly that, the nation will take revenge of this murder by establishing Islamic rules and regulations. Now the collapse of the government is matter of time. The quarters that had carried false investigation, prepared false story and produce fake witness in the dock and on the basis of their false testimony remained involved with this trial of mockery, they have to face trial shortly. The soil which felt the blood of Abdul Quader Molla, will certainly host the flag of Islam. No tyrannical force will be able to eliminate Islam and Islamic movement from this land.
The nation is in a severe crisis. The government’s conspiracy to attain interest by dividing the nation will be resisted by the people. Prior to his martyrdom, Abdul Quader Molla demanded safety and preservation of Islam, Islamic movement, nation’s free and sovereignty instead of his life. I am calling upon the activists of Islamic movement and the countrymen to dive into the Islamic movement in order to materialize the last desire of this great leader.
May Allah accept his martyrdom and blessed him with the Jannah. May Allah strengthen his family to hold patience.
I am also declaring the following program protesting the inhuman murder of Abdul Quader Molla.
• Gayebana Janaja (Prayer in absentia) in all district and sub district nationwide on 13th December, Friday
• Martyred Intellectual day, special prayer for all the deceased intellectuals including Abdul Quader Molla on 14th December, Saturday
• Nationwide dawn to dusk strike protesting this murder on 15th December
• Discussion on 16th December on the eve of the Victory Day.
I am urging the countrymen and people of all walks to observe the declared program peacefully. I am also calling the people and the international community to initiate tougher movement against this judicial murder of the government.
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